Siem Reap Option tourists activities
Date: 1:19 AM
Siem Reap Angkor Wat one your tourist destination in mind of foreigners traveling around the world. Traveling or Volunteering best to do your love activities during you are in Siem Reap . So many
activities are recommending to do in Siem Reap, Temples Tours , Temples Cycling . Floating Party in Siem Reap , City Night Bars , Tuk Tuk Party , Teaching Tours ...
Depend the season of Siem Reap ( Hight Season and Low season ) more or least tourists but still have more place interesting to do like Bike Cycling. Cycling of activities in Siem Reap that attract tourists to do for visit deep culture of Cambodian people village life style.
People life style farmer village around cycling to visit the lotus farm , to say hello with villager kids along the road trip. Kids so happy smile and love to be close and say hello with foreigners.